I wanna hold em' like they do in Texas Plays Fold em' let em' hit me raise it baby stay with me Luck and intuition play the cards with Spades to start & after he's been hooked I'll play the one that's on his heart

omg reading all the things i wrote beforee... how gay was i??

this morninsg i went to the beach partayy!!! it was so much fun...
i was with charmaine and michelle.... luckily i went with them cos we had so much fun! we just went to the park, ate, had icecream and all... we went body surfing and sorta just stayed in the sea.. the waves were so strong.... it just like took us away! wooooooooooshhhhhhhh!!! twinkle also stayed with us like nearly the whole time!! ahahha
after that we went to shower.. but we had to walk the whole way round!! OMG :0... we went to the cafetieria and the lady was like NO!!!!! READ THE SIGN CANT U READ!! we were likee ohh!!! dammit... so we just walked the whole way round there and back to the beach shelter!! after that michelle left and then we left...
just came back from bandar..went to my cousins house and swamm... thats bout all we di ohh played club penguin! DONT DISS!! itss soo cool... lol

on tuesday.. went to the club with trish. and then met gabriella and carlota... went to the beach and saw charmaine and her frens.. they covered my whole body with sand... and then we went to the park and all..
after that trish went off with andre and gabriella went home and i went with kiko and claudia.. adn then im not gonna say anything more!! :PPP

on wednesday i went to the club again wih gabriella and went to the beeeeechhh and then met michelle and claudia and then we went to ballet...

on thursday we had ballet again.. we (me, vicky and trish) were supposed to go for hip hop it was our last lesson but we had to do boring old ballet the same dance over and over again!! ! ughhh.... we had ballet for like 1 and a half hours.!! OMG! after we went to have dinner and the kenyalang with carlota and gabriella again...and stayed at the club tll like 9:45.....

life is so messed up!!!




all of us

me and claudia

On Thursday we( me, my sis, joan, eunice, claudia, ben, jason, hanson (shorty mcshorsster) kiko, carlos, joe, sidduhsa.) went for steamboat at seaview finally. but before we went we played some gamess ( water balloon game and treasure hunt) kiko carlos joan and me set the treasure hunt up... OMG we had to walk everywhere fromt he skate park to court 6 to the field!! sheesshh... but it was really fun.. tey had to take pics of them on the slide and witha football and on the swing and all tht! the water balloon game all the girls didnt play except for eunice! hahaha! after that we went to shower.. not gonna say anymore that that! lol an then all of us went to seaview in aunty carol's car.

wen we got there we ahd steamboat and barbecue! we all were so crap at cooking except joan!! ahahah... BUTTEERR! dayamm how much butter did we finish! loadss!! we kept having like firesss ahahah! after that we all went home!

i really dont know wat the hell is wrong with people these days... i dont know some people (who migt that be) theyre such two face biatchesss!! i neva knew until now who they really are!

Highland games tomorrow....! wahhooo.... its goonna bee fun fun fun with nisa nat lee vicky sis ellie shafficles... and trishh anddd ahem ahemm!! lol.. u wont get it only me and trish will.. :P
dayam we still have freaking ballet!!!

yesterday at my house!

yesterday trish and vicky came to my house... it was awsomely funn!!!!! :P
we first went to hip hop... we were supposed to go early to have lunch but after trish picked up me and vicky and everyone...(well actually thats it) we only had half an hour to eat... so we just ate chips and take away quay teow??? ( is that how u spell it guys.. i can beva get it write) me and trish made a master piece with chips and tomato sauce! we made a face out of the tomato sauce.. its was realyl retarded... adn then stuffed chips all over it!! ahaha and then i think we all were high of tomato sauce. after that we ran to hip hop and learnt this new dance.... and i think my back is bruced cos fo that stupid dance.. well anyways its cool. and then we repeated these 5 dances we are going to do for the highland games over and over again!! ahhh its was sooo boring but funny! lol. and then me trish vixter and azmima all got told of again by teacher gelo cos we were talking and playing around and all that. we never fail getting told off every lesson!! me trish and natt always get told off aswell in ballet!

after hip hop we went to the main side to get our food.
Securtiy gaurd: PASS PLEASSEE
hahaha that funnyyy anywaysss
then my dad came to pick us up and we went home... after that we were on vicky's laptop listening to musics taking really random ppics( ill post them wen vicky sends them to me) adn trying to figure out the password to my network thingg.... we faild we tried everything like 'what is the password for this?' and all that we never were able to succed! after that we gave up adn went on my dad's laptop.... on msn and facebook..... we were talking to JJ it was funny..... but he is so boring to talk to... trust us... how did vicky talk to him on msn wen they were going out?? lol
and then we got bored and went swimming. its was really funn..... tried all sorts of wierd retarded things like jumping of vicky's shoulder.. trish and one side and me on the other and having a hand stand contest and yeahh!!!
then we went up showered... well me and trish cos vicky didnt.... ( we had our swim suits on you douchbag) and then..... we turned arounhd and saw vicky's ass...... me and trish promised vicky that we would neva change with her again.... she went bright tomato again btw.. ahah and then think my um nad dad and also my sis was pissed at me cos if reasons... which i cannot say on here but yeah.. and then they went home...

after that nat and lee and joe came cos our parents had gone out for a wedding or summin..weeee ate lamb chops and chips *yummmmmmyy yummmy yummmyy i got food in my tummmyy* adn then we watches ' hes just not that into you' and then they went home at like 10:45 and then i went to sleep!

thats about it......
